Unpacking The Future Of B2B Sales

The pandemic has supercharged digital transformation in business and led to rapid changes in the sales landscape. Not only has it led to a digital-first approach for the majority of businesses, it’s accelerated the adoption of new technologies such as immersive experiences, the Metaverse and Virtual Reality.

And with 44% of millennials and 33% of buyers saying they prefer a seller-free experience, how can we reinvent the sales function, and how will traditional sales roles evolve?
In this report we unpack the BIG TRENDS in B2B sales, giving you an unfair advantage in a crowded marketplace.

The bold and the brave will embrace change, and reap the rewards.
Are you ready?

The strategic roadmap to getting a first-mover advantage

You'll Learn:

The biggest trends impacting the sales landscape 
Understand what the future
of sales will look like, and how to prepare and get a first-mover advantage
Simple ways to future proof your business and put the sales team in pole position.

The future is SMarketing

Aligning sales and marketing departments can help generate 209% more revenue - Marketo

What’s changed?

COVID-19 was a sink or swim moment for businesses globally, and as a result 96% of B2B companies have shifted their go-to-market model, and 70% say their new model is just as effective, or even more effective, than before . - McKinsey

Buyer preferences have changed

By 2025, 80% of sales interactions between suppliers and buyers will occur in digital channels - Gartner

Data-driven selling

Gartner predicts 65% of B2B sales organisations will transition from intuition-
based selling to data-driven selling by 2026.

The bold and the brave will embrace change, and reap the rewards. Are you ready?

“There is no doubt—Sales Redefined is driven to achieve results for their clients. Abbie and her team leave nothing to chance and are consistently focused on quality solutions to achieve the required outcome. SR’s communications are comprehensive, considered with recommendations & strategies that add value and growth for BIFW.”
 Louise Jones, Business Insurance For Women
We were so lucky to find Sales Redefined right when our business needed them. We found their recommendations went well beyond what we traditionally thought of as ‘sales’ and covered many aspects of our business. Their advice was practical, actionable, and results-driven and we can confidently attribute a lot of our overall business success over the past 18 months to their advice. I would highly recommend working with the Sales Redefined team.
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